Sculpey SouffléTM Christmas Cactus
Sculpey SouffléTM Christmas Cactus
Designed by Amy Koranek
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You don’t have to be a desert-dweller to love cactus! This is a perfect gift for that gardener on your gift list.
COMPLETION TIME:60 Minutes to make and bake
- 12” Heavy black thread
- 12” Red ribbon
- Scissors

Project Instructions
- Getting Started:
Start with clean hands, unwrap and knead clay until soft and smooth, or condition by running clay though a Pasta Machine. We recommend using a designated machine for clay purposes only. When working with multiple colors, clean hands with soap and water or baby wipes (we have found that baby wipes work best) before switching colors. Shape clay, pressing pieces firmly together. Wash hands after use.
- Baking:
From 1/4 bar of Shamrock Sculpey SouffléTM, make a tapered club shape for the trunk of the cactus. From 1/8 bar of Shamrock, make a smaller and a larger tapered club for the arms of the cactus.

Push two little divots, one on the left and one on the right, along the outside edges of the trunk with the Ball Tool. Push the tapered end of the arms into the divots and bend the arms up at a 90 degree angle. Flatten the cactus to the work surface so that it is flat on the back.

Roll Pistachio into very tiny ropes. Flatten the tiny ropes in stripes on the trunk and the arms.

Use the Needle Tool to score little prickles in the stripes.

From 1/8 bar of Cherry Pie, make a pointed triangle hat and a trapezoid shaped pot.

Wrap the hat around the top of the trunk and the pot around the bottom.

Add an Igloo band across the bottom of the hat and across the pot. Bend the stocking hat tip down and add an Igloo ball.

Drape two black threads from one arm to the other.
Add little flat ovals of each color to the band across the pot.
Add little flat ovals of each color to the band across the pot.

Add little lights of each color to the strings trapping the black thread between the lights and the cactus.
Decorate the ovals on the pot with the tip of the Knife Tool.
Poke eye sockets with the Blunt Point Tool and fill them with Cornflower eyes.
Prick eyebrows with the Needle Tool.
Use the edge of the round end of the Needle Tool to score a little mouth.
Decorate the ovals on the pot with the tip of the Knife Tool.
Poke eye sockets with the Blunt Point Tool and fill them with Cornflower eyes.
Prick eyebrows with the Needle Tool.
Use the edge of the round end of the Needle Tool to score a little mouth.

Make sure there is room in the fold of the hat for the ribbon.
Bake the cactus following the baking instructions for Sculpey Soufflé.
Bake the cactus following the baking instructions for Sculpey Soufflé.

When the cactus is completely cool, string the ribbon through the hat. Tie the ends of the ribbon together with an overhand knot and trim the tails.