Premo! Chandelier Earrings
Premo! Chandelier Earrings
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Vintage looking Chandelier Earrings take on a new look with a trendy color.
Design by Patricia Kimle
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Large drinking straw, end pinched to oval, Clear Fast Drying Glue, Flat-back glue on crystals, Fine drill bit, Silver ear wires, Silver ¼” jump rings, Red mica powder, Paintbrush|Large drinking straw, end pinched to oval, Clear Fast Drying Glue, Flat-back glue on crystals, Fine drill bit, Silver ear wires, Silver ¼” jump rings, Red mica powder, Paintbrush

Project Instructions
Getting StartedPolymer clay may stain. CLAY MAY DAMAGE UNPROTECTED FURNITURE OR FINISHED SURFACES. DO NOT USE polymer clay on unprotected surfaces. We recommend working on the Sculpey clay mat, wax paper, metal baking sheet, or disposable foil. Start with clean hands and work surface area. Knead clay until soft and smooth. For best results, clean your hands in between colors. Shape clay, pressing pieces together firmly. Bake on oven-proof glass or metal surface at 275°F (130 °C) for 30 minutes per ¼" (6 mm) thickness. For best baking results, use an oven thermometer. DO NOT USE MICROWAVE OVEN. DO NOT EXCEED THE ABOVE TEMPERATURE OR RECOMMENDED BAKING TIME. Wash hands after use. Baking should be completed by an adult.Begin by preheating oven to 275 °F (130 °C). Test temperature with oven thermometer for perfectly cured clay. For best results, condition all clay by running it through the Clay Conditioning Machine for several passes on the widest setting. Fold the clay in half after each pass and insert the fold side into the rollers first.
Roll 1/8 package Graphite Pearl into a thin sheet, about 1/16” thick using the clay conditioning machine. Using the Sculpey Mini Metal Cutters cut 8 oval shapes.

Using a paintbrush brush the edges of the ovals with mica powder.

Roll a similar thin sheet of Sunset Pearl about 1/16” on the clay conditioning machine. Using the drinking straw or small oval cutter cut 8 smaller ovals.

Place the ovals randomly on top of each larger oval. Press a crystal in the center of the Sunset Pearl ovals.

Turn two ovals over and press a jump ring over the tip of the oval. Add a small ball of clay over the edge of the jump ring and press it down.

Bake the pieces according to the directions above. After the pieces have cooled, remove the crystals and reattach them with a drop of clear fast drying glue.
With a fine drill bit, drill holes in each Graphite oval to attach the pieces with jump rings as shown. Attach the ear wires to the piece that has the jump ring embedded.