Premo Boho Butterfly Wrap Bracelet
Premo Boho Butterfly Wrap Bracelet
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We all have those bead stashes and bits of clay we keep meaning to use…this is the PERFECT opportunity to use them! Don’t have a stash-now is your time to start one!
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needle tool (I like to use the needles from the Sculpey bead baking rack); assorted metal and glass beads; plastic coated beading wire (mine is 15mm); clasp; 2 crimp beads and crimp covers; 10mm jump ring; assorted metallic acrylic paints; black acrylic paint; craft blade; deli paper; alcohol markers (optional) in bright light green, orange and red

Project Instructions
- Getting Started:
Start with clean hands, unwrap and knead clay until soft and smooth, or condition by running clay though a Pasta Machine. We recommend using a designated machine for clay purposes only. When working with multiple colors, clean hands with soap and water or baby wipes (we have found that baby wipes work best) before switching colors. Shape clay, pressing pieces firmly together. Wash hands after use.
- Baking:
Condition about ½ oz of each color and roll into a snake to fit the barrel of the extruder. Use the square die to extrude the clay. Use the Super Slicer to cut the extruded clay into small squares. Put a hole in the center of each bead. Place the beads on a cardboard lined shallow tray and bake according to the directions above.

While the beads are baking, sheet out a small piece of the conditioned Copper clay on the middle setting on the clay conditioning machine. Position the butterfly wing silkscreen (shiny side down!) and rub gently into place. Originally, I wanted a wing with beautiful blended colors creating it, so I dotted Copper, Gold and black acrylic paints quickly onto the screen. Then I used the supplied squeegee to drag across the screen moving the screen quickly back and forth to blend the paints. Quickly remove the screen and wash it immediately under running water. I dry mine by putting it into a folded paper towel and running my hands gently over it. Always remove the screen right away or your risk accidentally throwing it away! Allow the silkscreen to dry completely (but you can admire it!). I also made a solid black screen of this pattern on the Copper clay.

Once the paint is completely dry, I cut out a butterfly wing shape from the screens by following the pattern we just screen onto the clay.

Cover the cut out clay with a sheet of deli paper and gently rub the edges to soften them down. At this point you can add your stringing hole in the top of the wing where the wing would meet the body of the butterfly. Bake the wing(s).

After the wings have baked, I decided to use my alcohol markers to enhance the colors of the wings on the solid black screen.

String your bracelet trying to be “artfully random” in your bead placement. When you have at least 15 inches strung, wrap around your wrist to gauge the correct length. Before you add the clasp, put a jump ring through your favorite wing and add it to the middle of the bracelet.

Add the clasp, crimp bead and bead covers to finish the piece!