Liquid Sculpey® Marbled Ring Dish
Liquid Sculpey® Marbled Ring Dish
Designed by Amy Koranek
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You can create this dramatic ring dish using only Liquid Sculpey® and resin mold in afternoon!
90 Minutes to make and bake
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- Round silicone coaster mold
- Paper towel
- Small sharp scissors

Project Instructions
Liquid Bakeable Medium: Please make sure your work area is covered and you are not working on an unprotected surface. We recommend working on the Sculpey® Oven Safe Work Mat, wax paper, metal baking sheet, or disposable foil. Uncured Liquid Bakable Medium may damage unprotected furniture or finished surfaces. Be sure to cover your crafting area appropriately.
- Getting Started with Liquid Sculpey®:
- Baking:
This is a large sized mold and it will take two bottles of Gold Liquid Sculpey® (LS) to fill it. Start by filling the rim area first until it is level with the base area.

To double check that air bubbles are releasing from the rim area, use the tip of the Needle Tool to trace the edges of the rim - both the inner and the outer edges of the rim. Remove the tool and wipe it clean with paper towel. Tap the mold vigorously on the work surface to release air bubbles.

Back fill the entire mold with both bottles of Gold LS. Tap the mold vigorously on the work surface to release air bubbles.

Use the Blunt Point Tool to make swirls in the Gold LS. The Gold LS has mica in it which will maintain this swirling pattern and it will be visible after baking.

Bake the coaster mold. Here’s a tip for baking LS in silicone molds. Take a dish towel and completely dampen it with water. Then wring out as much moisture as possible. Fold the dish towel to a size that the coaster mold can sit level on top of. Bake the coaster with the damp towel under it following the baking instructions for Liquid Sculpey®. The dampness of the towel will slow down the curing process where the LS is sitting in the rim. Since the rim area is thinner than the rest of the mold, it will have a tendency to cure too quickly. When the LS cures too quickly, it will cure unevenly producing layers of curing instead of even curing. The damp towel will help the cure to be more even.

When the mold is completely cooled, you can use small sharp scissors to trim away any little residual baked LS especially along the outer edge.

Place the cured LS shape on the work surface in front of you right side up. Squirt some White LS in the bottom of the Gold dish.

Fill in areas with Silver LS. You want the bottom of the dish to be mostly covered at this point.

Add more of the White LS on top of the Silver LS areas to turn the spots of Silver into little strings.

Gently tilt the dish to help the Silver and White sort of blur into each other.

Take your index finger and smudge through the LS in several places. Press your fingertip down into the LS and then lift, move your finger to a new position, and repeat. This will blur the design even more creating a marbled look.

Take the Needle Tool and extract some leftover Gold LS from around the rim of the bottles. With the tip of the Needle Tool coated in the Gold LS, drag it through the White/Silver areas creating little veins of Gold.

Clean the Needle Tool with paper towel and then use the tip of the tool to drag the Gold veins out very thinly. Insert the tip of the tool into the Gold and pull it following the Gold line until you can drag even more of the Gold to a skinny vein. Wipe the tool and repeat to create more thin veins.
Bake again following the baking instructions for Liquid Sculpey®. Allow to cool completely before handling.
Bake again following the baking instructions for Liquid Sculpey®. Allow to cool completely before handling.