Techniques for Making Polymer Clay Jewelry
Sculpey® Kits for making jewelry have everything you need to create beautiful pieces. For some, making polymer clay jewelry may be preferred over other claying techniques. On the other hand, you may be completely new to the art of jewelry making and want to know more about how to work with clay.
Polymer clay is one of the most affordable, versatile jewelry-making materials you can find. It can resemble any other jewelry-making compound and combines easily with other jewelry supplies, including metal, wood, fibers, resin and wire. Because it’s so easily molded and durable when cured and sealed, polymer clay is ideal for jewelry making. To get stunning, durable pieces, it’s important to learn the five essential processes involved in making polymer clay jewelry:
1. Conditioning
Before you can start crafting, you must condition your polymer clay to make it softer and easier to work with. To condition clay:
- Use your hands to knead the clay until it’s narrow enough to pass through a pasta machine. If you need an alternative method, you can also use a rolling pin to fold and re-roll the clay repeatedly.
- Condition light shades first before moving on to darker ones.
- Clean your hands with baby wipes between colors to prevent accidental transfer and keep your shades distinct.
We offer easy-to-knead clay such as Original Sculpey® that makes conditioning a breeze for both beginners and seasoned experts.
2. Color Mixing
Sculpey® polymer clay embodies various color palettes and features. If you’d like to mix colors, use the same process you use to condition the clay. Combine two or more shades and blend until you achieve the desired color, using your hands to mimic the conditioning process. Consider clays like Sculpey® III for vibrant hues, including metallic options — perfect for handmade jewelry!
3. Forming and Shaping
Now for the fun part! Before shaping your polymer clay jewelry pieces, make sure you have a clean, flat working surface. Wax paper and ceramic tiles are ideal. You can carve clay, mold it, weave it, layer it, ruffle it, coil it, stamp it and texture it. You can use household items like kitchen knives, toothpicks and aluminum foil to get the job done. For more intricate details and precise shaping, it’s best to use specialized polymer clay tools.
4. Curing
You will need an oven to harden and preserve your polymer clay jewelry creations. Bake your clay on a ceramic tile, metal pan, parchment paper or the Sculpey Tools™ Oven-Safe Work Mat. Always follow the baking directions on your Sculpey® Kit instructions or clay package and use an oven thermometer to ensure you’re baking at the correct temperature.
What Else Can I Make With a Clay Kit?
Our versatile craft kits provide countless ways to create and connect with others. If you’d like to experiment beyond clay jewelry, you can try your hand at making:
- Toys: With products such as the Sculpey® Pet Pals Kit, your child can discover that making toys is just as fun as playing with them! Claying with your children helps deepen your bond with them and gives them an enjoyable, fulfilling hobby for life.
- Keepsakes: You can turn precious memories into tangible keepsakes with our impression kits. These safe, non-toxic sets make lovely ornaments and gifts. We have both handprint and pawprint kits available to accommodate every member of the family.
- Home decor: Adding flair to your household is more enjoyable with others! Our kits let you share the joy of claying with the whole family or a group of friends. It’s easy and fun to make cute pieces like wine tags for your home or as a gift for your loved ones.
- Accessories: Whether you’re working on your costume for the next convention or making pieces for a tabletop gaming session, we can help you get started. Our cosplay kit is perfect for adding unique details to your outfits and enhancing your activities.