The top row of the large photo contains the 3 colors that I’m mixing with the featured color on the far right. The bottom 3 colors are the colors mixes created by mixing the color directly above with equal portions (1:1) of the featured color.
Okay, let’s look at some of the red/purple palettes this week. Once again Soufflé™ Glacier surprised me by just mixing to a cool more pastel version of each color.
My favorite of these three 1:1 mixes is the Soufflé™ Raspberry mix – it is sort of a creamy version of the original Raspberry color – almost like a lightly shadowed version of the original.
The Soufflé™ Grape 1:1 mix is also a more muted version of the original, but this time more of a cool highlight to the original instead of a shadow like the Raspberry.
The Soufflé™ Turnip 1:1 mix is also more of a cool highlight version – more for when you want that Turnip tone but you don’t want it overpowering other more delicate tones in whatever you are working on.
Share your favorite Sculpey mixes with us by using the hashtag #HowDoYouSculpey
And don’t forget to mention which clay you are using (#Premo or #Souffle) xoxo, syn