New Color Tuesday! Introducing Sculpey Soufflé™ Lilac Mist 1:1 Mixes- Pt 2

The top row of the large photo contains the 3 colors that I’m mixing with the featured color on the far right. The bottom 3 colors are the colors mixes created by mixing the color directly above with equal portions (1:1) of the featured color.

Well, this new color, Soufflé™ Lilac Mist is not only a great color on its own, but also an excellent “toner color”. By this I mean it is a great way to tone down a strong color to a slightly softer version of itself.

I love the softer version of Pumpkin and Cornflower the 1:1 mixes produced. I was really surprised at how much effect it had on the Yellow Ochre! This 1:1 mix is a softer version of the original Yellow Ochre resembling more of a butter-type tone.

Share your favorite Sculpey mixes with us by using the hashtag #HowDoYouSculpey and don’t forget to mention which clay you are using (#Premo or #Souffle)
xoxo, syn

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