The top row of the large photo contains the 3 colors that I’m mixing with the featured color on the far right. The bottom 3 colors are the colors mixes created by mixing the color directly above with equal portions (1:1) of the featured color.
THIS green doesn’t mess around, it dominates- but in a GOOD way! I am a HUGE fan of greens, so I was delighted to welcome this deep, rich green to my Sculpey Hoard..er Collection.
I really like the Olive Green mix created by the Sculpey Soufflé™ Sedona and Racing Green 1:1 mix. The Sedona softens the dark boldness of the Racing Green to a rich avocado tone.
And that Sculpey Premo™ Alizarin Crimson/ Soufflé™ Racing Green 1:1 mix? That is a great neutral brown- that is just hints of a little mystery to me. (Of course, I think Alizarin Crimson is a neat mystery all on its own!).
I teamed the Alizarin Crimson and Racing Green up with Premo™ Copper and Wasabi to create these great “Sutton Slice” patterned earring.

Share your favorite Sculpey mixes with us by using the hashtag #HowDoYouSculpey and don’t forget to mention which clay you are using (#Premo or #Souffle)
xoxo, syn